Hosea Colloquium: Wycliffe College

On May 5, 2017, Wycliffe College (Toronto) hosted a colloquium on Hosea.

Mark S. Gignilliat, With Hosea at Penuel: The Interface of Ontology and Tropology

Raymond Van Leeuwen, Knowing Creation and Knowing God in Hosea

Eugen J. Pentiuc, The Book of Hosea from Iron Age to Digital Age

Donald Collett, The Book of the Twelve as Penitential History

David Noel Freedman – 1989 Stone Lectures: “The Prophets of the Eighth Century, B.C.E.”

Professor David Noel FreedmanĀ (1922-2008) delivered the 1989 Stone Lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary, on the topic of “The Prophets of the Eighth Century, B.C.E.”.

The five lectures are available in mp3 (audio) format:

  1. “Canonical Considerations and Literary-Critical Criteria”
  2. “The Minor Prophets I: Amos of Tekoa”
  3. The Minor Prophets II: Hosea ben-Beeri and Micah the Morashtite
  4. “The Major Prophet: Isaiah ben-Amoz”
  5. “Summary and Summation: the Fifth and Final Prophet–Jonah”

Robert Alter on Unorthodox Bible: Esther, Song of Solomon, Jonah

Professor Robert Alter (UC-Berkeley) discusses the three books of the Bible which might be considered the “most unorthodox: the two books that never mention the word God (the Book of Esther, the Song of Songs) and the book that pushes back against religious nationalism (the Book of Jonah).” The discussion is with Scott Saul in Chapter &Ā Verse,Ā aĀ books-and-arts podcast from UC Berkeley’s Townsend Center for the Humanities.

In the Book of Esther, a story that veers into sex comedy, a beautiful Jewish commoner joins a Persian kingā€™s harem and contrives to save her people. In the Song of Songs, two lovers engage in a dance of mutual seduction that encourages us, as readers, to ā€œbe drunk with loving.ā€ And in the Book of Jonah, a man who refuses to preach to his enemies is swallowed by a giant fish ā€” God working in magical as well as mysterious ways.

M. Daniel Carroll on Ruth, Immigration, Amos, and Ethics

Professor M. Daniel Carroll, of Denver Seminary, delivers the Old Testament lectures for the 2013 Nils W. Lund Memorial Lecture series, on September 26, 2013, at North Park Theological Seminary:

Lecture 1: “Once a Stranger, Always a Stranger: Immigration, Assimilation, and the Book of Ruth”

Lecture 2: ā€œProbing the Prophets for Social Ethics: Insights from Multiple Perspectives ā€” The Case of Amosā€

Hans Walter Wolff on the Prophetic Word


Prof Hans Walter Wolff provides a series of lectures on the Prophetic Word, delivered in 1980 at the Holden Village. These are available on mp3 audio files: