Michael Segal on Dreams and Riddles in the Book of Daniel


On February 23, 2012, Professor Michael Segal, of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, delivered the lecture “The Writing On the Wall: Dreams and Riddles in the Book of Daniel” at The Oriental Institute, University of Chicago.

The lecture is available in mp3 audio format.

Dr. Michael Segal is the Chair of the Department of Bible at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (on sabbatical during the 2011-12 academic year), and also serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Hebrew University Bible Project. His research interests center upon Jewish literature of the Second Temple Period, including the late Biblical books, Dead Sea Scrolls, Apocrypha, and Pseudepigrapha; the textual history of the Hebrew Bible; and ancient Jewish Biblical interpretation. His first book, entitled The Book of Jubilees: Rewritten Bible, Redaction, Ideology and Theology (English: Brill; Hebrew: Magnes; 2007), was awarded the Polonsky Prize for Creativity and Originality in the Humanistic Disciplines (2008). He is currently writing two books on the Book of Daniel. The first will consist of a collection of interpretive studies of central passages in the book. The second will be a complete, critical commentary of Daniel and the Additions to Daniel for the Anchor Yale Bible Series.